
The habit of grinding, gnashing, grating, or clenching the teeth is termed bruxism, and millions of adults and children are affected by this condition. While its exact cause is unknown, most experts believe that bruxism can occur as a response to increased psychological stress.

Bruxism involves any type of forceful contact between the teeth, whether silent and clenching, or loud and grating. Estimates vary regarding the number of people who suffer from this condition and range from 50-95% of the adult population. Approximately 15% of all children also acquire this condition. Many people are not aware that they have this condition because they grind their teeth at night while asleep, although bruxism can occur during daytime hours as well.

Sign and Symptoms

Symptoms and signs of bruxism, which can vary from mildly irritating to medically dangerous, depending on the severity of the condition, include

  • Signs of tooth wear, such as fractures of teeth and fillings, facial or jaw pain
  • Making sounds of clenching or grating teeth while sleeping, often noticed by a sleeping partner
  • Headaches
  • Loose teeth
  • Gum damage/tooth sensitivity

How Do I Find Out if I Grind My Teeth?

If you develop any of the abovementioned signs and symptoms you can contact us.

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